Covid-19 : we’ve found a suspect!

portrait de Yves Rasir How are you holding up in this crazy world?  Well, I have to say that the situation is already starting to get me down. I could never stand seeing my children sad, but yesterday my eldest daughter told me how upset she was to see a violent argument in a shop between three people: one of them had approached the other two without keeping the 1.5m social distance and they had reacted very badly. This is where we have ended up as a result of the insane virophobia that has emerged since the confinement began. We need to stop this nightmare as soon as possible!

This week, I’ll be focussing on the most pressing issue which is the situation in Italy. As Didier Raoult, an infection disease specialist, has been repeating consistently via his online videos which have themselves gone viral, pandemics are pure fiction. They don’t exist, have never existed, and will no doubt ever exist. Outbreaks take place in an ecosystem and must be analysed in their biotopic context.  Which are the imbalances in the relationships between humans and with their environment that can be held to account? 
As far as Wuhan is concerned, we are reduced to a guessing game. According to a source that I will not disclose because I have not been able to cross-check it, the trigger could have been a major polluting event followed by strong popular protest which was then harshly repressed. However, a lengthy onsite investigation would be required to substantiate this hypothesis and so let’s put China aside, especially since “Covid 19”, which is attributed to the SARS-Cov2 coronavirus, has almost disappeared there now. Italy, on the other hand, has recorded almost double the number of deaths within a population 22 times smaller. How can we explain such a tragedy? 
We can start with two glaring observations. The first is that not all of Italy has been hit by the crisis, and not even the whole of northern Italy, where 3/4 of all deaths have occurred, has been affected. The epicentre of the Italian epidemic lies more specifically in Lombardy which accounts for 2/3 of all the victims. This is an astonishing state of affairs which we can see unfolding in the overflowing crematoriums and columns of military vehicles carrying the coffins to cemeteries other than those in Bergamo and Brescia. These are chilling images that speak volumes. The second key observation is that the media is wrong and misleading when it repeatedly informs us that ‘this illness affects everybody’. According to the official report of 17 March by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, the average age of the deceased was 79.5 years (3 years less than life expectancy at birth) and only 0.8% of the victims had no previous pathologies. One quarter had one, another quarter had two and a half of all victims had three prior pathologies. The most common pathology was high blood pressure, then diabetes followed by ischemic heart disease. In 20% of cases, cancer was present and in 13% of cases, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) was present.  Whether we like it or not, Covid-19 prefers to take out old people who are already very ill. It is not cynical to point out this fact. If we accept, as I do, that the virus is not the only cause, then we still need to shed some light on the extremely high death rate in Lombardy. Car pollution?  Traffic in Milan is much worse than in the hardest hit cities, and is no more horrendous than in other large urban areas. Failures in the health system? On the contrary, data and testimonials indicate that the infrastructure and medical staff are the best in Italy, a country where health care is completely free.
In my opinion, this abundant supply of free health care is the issue. The environmentalist thinker Ivan Illich demonstrated in one of his most famous books (Medical Nemesis, 1975) that, once modern Western medicine crosses a development threshold, it becomes "counterproductive", i.e. its disadvantages begin to outweigh its advantages, its risks outweigh its benefits. In the industrialized world, the art of healing has become a way of harming health. Paradoxically, it postpones the age we die but causes more widespread morbidity (the number of sick people in society). You can see where I’m going with this. Indeed, I would like to emphasize the iatrogenic component of the Italian health crisis. According to the above-mentioned report (*), 83% of the patients diagnosed, treated and deceased received antibiotics, 52% antiviral drugs and 27% cortisone. Naturally, we can presume that many of these patients received all three treatments at the same time. The report is silent on the use of antipyretics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), but it is also probable that these chemicals that erode the body’s capacity to self-heal are being used indiscriminately and without restraint.
According to a friend of mine who lives there and reads the local press, chloroquine is also available as a treatment in at least one hospital. Although chloroquine is certainly not very harmful (we would know if it was as it has been used for over 70 years) the molecule recommended by Dr. Raoult is not as inoffensive as a cough drop. A dosage of more than 1 g per day can result in intoxication, which is fatal in 20% of cases.  Oxygenation? In a previous newsletter, I pointed out that this practice was far from harmless and that it could seriously damage the lungs.  But, did you know that the next step up from oxygenation, i.e. artificial respiration, requires patients to be put to sleep?  A general anaesthesia is a medical procedure with some lethal risk.  The cumulative effect of all these iatrogenic factors leads us to a highly informative explanation for the North Italian disaster. I’ve been thinking about this a lot over the past two weeks and although it counts for a lot, the iatrogeny that patients are subjected to shortly before or during intensive care is certainly not enough to explain the extent of the tragedy in Italy. There has to be something else, but what can it be?
Last week I mentioned an American study showing that flu vaccination enables coronavirus infections. This is an important piece of evidence to put on the record, but it still does not explain the outbreak in Lombardy. Elsewhere in the country and in many other countries, this unnecessary and dangerous vaccine is encouraged and injected in many people over 60 and so we would already know if influenza valency was particularly noxious. I was still racking my brain when I received a striking article from Dominique Guillet two days ago. For those who don't know him he is an explorer of the world of plants and the founder of the French non-profit association Kokopelli, which has successfully led the campaign for the free-marketing and exchange of seeds not listed in official catalogues.  Endorsed by a European decision, this victory should earn him the alternative Nobel Prize a thousand times over.
When he’s not pursuing this libertarian struggle or writing papers on food and medicinal plants, Dominique Guillet is a citizen journalist and publishes the results of his investigations on his website. In the long article that he posted online the day before yesterday and that you can read by clicking here (article in French), this amateur (but nevertheless very professional) snoop provides what I consider to be crucial information: last January, Lombardy implemented a major vaccination campaign against meningococcus. Following a mini epidemic of bacterial meningitis that affected just 6 people (with 2 deaths), the regional authorities decided on a massive and free-of-charge vaccination of the whole population. Within a few weeks, more than 33,000 people were vaccinated. Yesterday, Dominique sent me some additional information that is just as important: as you can verify by clicking here (article in Italian), the vaccination campaign was already underway in the autumn of 2019! This detail is critical because it was also in autumn that a mysterious epidemic of strange pneumonia appeared in Lombardy, requiring special radiological examinations. You don't believe me? Watch this TV clip where Professor Giuseppe Remuzzi, Director of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research in Milan, answers questions from a rather annoyed journalist.  Unbelievable but true, this interview was shown on March 22nd on CGTN, an international… Chinese (!) TV channel, a kind of Russia Today but Xi Jinping-style!  As this press release (in French) attests, the Chinese media is giving this investigation a lot of airtime because it suspects that the coronavirus was imported from Italy to China!  I wonder why this sensational news story has not yet made the buzz in all the newsrooms around the world. If I missed this huge scoop in the news, let me know.
In fact, we don't really care which way a hypothetical, relatively harmless virus travelled.  What is critical to investigate is whether there is a link between vaccination and the proliferation of atypical pneumonia in Italy.  Even if you are doubtful, the probability is nevertheless very high.  One of the very perverse side effects of vaccines is that they alter the microbial ecology. Since nature abhors a vacuum, the ecological niche vacated by artificial immunization is immediately occupied by other, more insidious or more dangerous species of bacteria. 
For example, epidemics of poliomyelitis arose in the wake of mass vaccination against diphtheria, new forms of hepatitis (C, D, E, etc.) appeared as a result of vaccinations against A and B forms and meningitis has increased in frequency and severity since it has been tackled by vaccination. This phenomenon of "epidemic replacement" has been the subject of many studies and was recently analysed by Dr Michel de Lorgeril in the 5th book of his series "Vaccins et Société” (Vaccines and Society), which is focused on bacterial meningitis. 
As early as January 2012, the magazine Néosanté had sounded the alarm on this ecological-health disaster by publishing a report entitled "Vaccines and microbes: a disastrous relationship", written by our French colleague Françoise Joët, former president of ALIS (Association Liberté Information SantéAssociation for the Freedom of Information on Health). This superb article which is still up to date is freely available on our site and you can consult it by clicking here (article in French).
What should we do now that the vaccine-suspect has been identified?  I believe we should check, as a matter of urgency, the vaccination status of the deceased in Italy and their relatives. Vaccination status should also be checked in other regions (in France and Spain) where an abnormally high number of severe pneumonia cases have been reported. Of course, the possible correlation will not demonstrate a causal link. And if it does, the powerful vaccine lobby would once again use the media under its control to churn out the usual argument of a "coincidence in timing" between vaccinations and diseases. But who will still be fooled?  Who will still believe in the significance of Pasteurian dogmas? For my part, I solemnly appeal for this potential lead to be investigated. I am counting on you to make as much buzz as possible by spreading this post all over the place. 
I embrace you… without social distancing!
Take care 

Yves Rasir
Translated by Claire Delaney

(*) Very worrying : in its latest report of 20 March, the Italian Higher Institute of Health no longer lists the treatments administered to patients. Omerta, the code of silence? 


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2 commentaires

  1. I couldn´t click on some of the articles you mentioned and the TV clip with Prof Remuzzi.
    Could you please add these sources?
    Thank you very much!
    Kind regards
    Svenja Herget

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